The Parish Council is the consultative body of a parish. Along with the pastor, parish staff and parish organizations, the parish council decides the scope and direction of the parish in service to the people of God and their community.
The Finance Council assists the pastor in preparing the annual budget of the parish and making recommendations for the future financial viability of the parish.
Proclaimers of God’s Word have the privilege and responsibility of proclaiming God’s Holy Word at the liturgies of the parish.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion have the privilege and responsibility of assisting the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at the Sunday liturgies.
Alter Servers assist the priest at Mass in the worship of God by God’s holy people.
Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality welcome the parishioners as they enter the church, assist in receiving the tithes and keep the church in order.
Youth Ushers welcome the parishioners as they enter the church, assist the receiving the tithes and keep the church in order.
Sacred Dancers are young people who give praise and worship to God by sacred dance and motion.
Vigil Mass Choir leads the congregation in sacred song at the 5 PM Vigil Mass.
8 AM Mass choir leads the congregation in sacred song at the 8 AM Sunday Mass.
Contemporary Choir leads the congregation in sacred song on the second and fourth Sundays at the 11 AM Mass.
Gospel Choir leads the congregation in sacred song on the first and third Sunday at the 11 AM Mass.
Youth Gospel Choir leads the congregation in sacred song at the 8 AM Mass on the second and fifth Sunday.
Male Chorus leads the congregation in sacred song at the 8 AM Mass on the fourth Sunday.
St. Francis Xavier Early Learning Center provides a holistic learning environment for children ages 2 to 4.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School provides a holistic learning environment for children from kindergarten to 8 grade.
Parish School of Religion assists parents in passing on the beauty of our Catholic faith to our children in grades kindergarten through high school. It meets on Sunday from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults assists adults in learning more about the Catholic faith. It meets on Tuesday evenings at 6 PM.
Bible Study Group meets at 6 PM on Thursday evening to explore God’s Holy Word.
PUSH means Pray Until Something Happens. They meet on Tuesday evening at 7 PM for prayer and support.
Annual Retreat allows parishioners and friends to spend a weekend in prayer and reflection.
Alter Society takes responsibility each week to keep the church clean and presentable.
Adult Ministry provides the opportunity for adults to fellowship and serve the parish and community.
Men’s Group meets on the fourth Sunday at 9:30 AM for fellowship and service to the parish and community.
Knights of Peter Claver is an international organization of African American Catholic men to serve the Church. They meet on the second Sunday at 9:30 AM
Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary is an international organization of African American Catholic ladies to serve the church. They meet on the second Sunday at 9:30 AM
Junior Daughters of Peter Claver is an international organization of African American Catholic young ladies for fellowship and service.
Wellness Committee provides information and programs to foster the wellness of parishioners.
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Parish Food Pantry provides food to needy families in the community on Thursday from 10 AM to 12 noon.
Together Baton Rouge is a broad-based coalition of institutions who work together to build relationships, equip its members with skills to get results and achieve change on concrete issues.